• Categorie - De toate 23.09.2009 - 00:55

    Last words before the death sentence.

    The New York Times publică un studiu făcut din arhivele “Texas Department of Criminal Justice” pe tema:
    Care au fost ultimele cuvinte rostite de condamnaţi la moarte înainte de execuţie?
    Mai jos câteva exemple din articolul nytimes.com.
    Scuze celor care nu se descurcă cu engleza, am considerat că e mai bine să le transcriu aşa cum au fost rostite.

    Go ahead?
    Nothing I can say can change the past.
    I done lost my voice.
    I would like to say goodbye.
    I don’t have anything to say. I am just sorry about what I did.
    I am nervous and it is hard to put my thoughts together. Sometimes you don’t know what to say.
    Man, there is a lot of people there.
    I have come here today to die, not make speeches.
    Where’s Mr. Marino’s mother? Did you get my letter?
    I want to ask if it is in your heart to forgive me. You don’t have to.
    I wish I could die more than once to tell you how sorry I am.
    I don’t think the world will be a better or safer place without me.
    I am sorry.
    I want to tell my mom that I love her.
    I caused her so much pain and my family and stuff. I hurt for the fact that they are going to be hurting.
    I am taking it like a man.
    Kick the tires and light the fire. I am going home.
    They may execute me but they can’t punish me because they can’t execute an innocent man.
    I couldn’t do a life sentence.
    I said I was going to tell a joke. Death has set me free. That’s the biggest joke.
    To my sweet Claudia, I love you.
    Cathy, you know I never meant to hurt you.
    I love you, Irene.
    Let my son know I love him.
    Tell everyone I got full on chicken and pork chops.
    I appreciate the hospitality that you guys have shown me and the respect, and the last meal was really good.
    I can’t take it back.
    Lord Jesus forgive of my sins. Please forgive me for the sins that I can remember.
    All my life I have been locked up.
    I am tired.
    I deserve this.
    A life for a life.
    I’m ready, Warden.

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